Experiments based on Transducer measurements. Diode thermometer,LVDT ,Strain gauge.Pressure transducer. Thermocouple & RTDS .Voltage regulator - LM 723 based circuit with fold back and short circuit protection. Phase locked loops, frequency to voltage converter, voltage to frequency converter Design of temperature transmitter using RTD, IC temperature transmitter, Linearization circuit for thermistor. Design of pressure transmitter. Performance evaluation of pressure gauges using Dead weight tester.
Lab in/Charge: Prof. NihaHentry

Experiments based on LABVIEW
Microprocessor based servo system. Speed control system (Open loop & closed loop).Real time control of inverted pendulum. Real time control of gyroscope.Ball beam system.Position control system with velocity feedback.
This lab provides students with hands-on experience with building, programming, testing, and debugging using labVIEW software.
Lab in/Charge: Prof.Sameena M.H.

Familiarization of Process Control Stations like Temperature, Flow, Level. Current to pressure convertor. PLC based Water level, Bottle filling and Motor speed control systems. Control valve characteristics. Calibration of pressure gauge. Controller tuning using continuous cycling method. Controller tuning using process reaction curve method.
Lab in/Charge: -Prof.Asha Mariam Jacob

Lab in/Charge: Prof.Resmi R.
In addition to the central library, the department of Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering has a well-equipped departmental library systems The department library is functioning in the department catering to the needs of the faculty and students for both academic and research work. The Library was started in the year 2003 with around 150 volumes,