Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering (BMCE)

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established in the year 2006 with the under graduate program to fulfill the aspiration of common people to make their wards professionally qualified Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The Department has always exerted the best of its effort to meet the objectives of achieving technical excellence in the areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering such as Electrical Machines and Drives ,Instrumentation and Automation and Power systems supported by a high ended software training to take up Electrical Engineering System Design

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Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering

Address: Lake View, Muthupilakadu,
Sasthamcotta, Kollam,
Kerala, India - 690 520,

(+91) 0476-2835579

(+91) 8281801579

