Department Associations

EEE Department Associations



The Inaugural function of the Association of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering “ELECZA” for the academic year 2023-24 inaugurated on 20th October 2023, at 1.30 p.m. by our Chief guest Mr ARUN A, FOSS innovation Fellow, ICFOSS.

The Staff Coordinator of EEE Association Mrs. Chinnu U S, Assistant Professor welcomed all the dignitaries in the dais. Mr. Vishu V, Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering introduced the office bearers for the Association. The Programme commenced with the lighting of holy lamp by the dignitaries. Dr. L Padma Suresh, Principal presided over the function and delivered the presidential address. Further, Dr. Madhusoodhanan Pillai, Vice Principal, Rev. Fr. Thomas Varghese, Director and Rev. Fr. K M Koshy Vaidyan, Dean of Student Affairs addressed the gathering and showered their blessings. As a token of appreciation toppers of each semester Miss. Akhila S Krishnan of S7 EEE, Miss. Arya S of S5 EEE and Miss. Feba Shaji of S3 EEE were awarded a momento in the ceremony. About 1:45 pm logo launching event conducted by the chief guest. Office bearers of this year Association ELECZA, Mr. Blessen Biju, President, Miss. Akhila S Krishnan, Vice President, Mr. Ananthu R and Arathy Saroj Secretaries, Mr. V.M Melvin, Treasurer and Mr. Adhil Mohhammed and Mr. Sonu Sobers, General secretaries and core committee members were introduced and acknowledged in the event. As a gratitude a momento was handed over to the chief guest by Rev. Fr. Thomas Varghese. The Event came to an end with a Vote of thanks by Mr. Ananthu R, Association Secretary, who thanked all the organizing committee members along with the esteemed guest for being a part of Association Inauguration. A cultural program was conducted after the inauguration ceremony.

As part of Association inauguration we organized a technical talk by our Resource person Mr ARUN A, FOSS innovation Fellow, ICFOSS. He provided a brief talk on International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS) which is an autonomous organization set up by the Government of Kerala, India and having the combined mandate of popularizing Free and Open Source Software for universal use; consolidating the early FOSS work done in Kerala; and networking with different nations, communities and governments to collaboratively promote FOSS.

Date & Time:11-02-25 10:06:05
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