
Health Centre

Health is the essential input for the development and improvement in the quality of Students life. Sustained efforts have been made by RCET towards the provision of Health care facilities to the students to live a hale and healthy life.

The Health Center is here to help you develop a balanced approach to your well-being and guide you in incorporating healthy activities into your life. The Health Center serves as an opportunity to maintain your health and increase your knowledge and awareness in the prevention of illness and injury. The center provides first Aid to the Students round the Clock. In case of any emergency, the student is taken to the neighboring hospital which is 1km away from the College.

The Health Center provides timely, accessible, and confidential health care to the students. Goal of the health care team is to minimize the amount of time a student loses from class due to illness. Special Counselling is given to the students to have a fit body, mind and healthy environment. Being in good health is of the utmost importance to maintaining quality of life.

Date & Time:17-01-25 10:02:03
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Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering

Address: Lake View, Muthupilakadu,
Sasthamcotta, Kollam,
Kerala, India - 690 520,

(+91) 0476-2835579

(+91) 8281801579

