Sl No | Name of Project/Program | Name of Principal Investigator/ CoInvestigator | Year of Sanctioned | Amount Sanctioned | Duration of Project | Name of Funding Agency |
1 |
International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies(ICCPCT 228) |
Dr. L Padma Suresh |
17-04-2017 |
40,000/- |
2 Days |
Indian Space Research Organization |
2 |
National Workshop on Smart Grid and Solar Power |
Dr. L Padma Suresh |
03-11-2017 |
34,550/- |
2 Days |
Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment |
3 |
FDP on Skill set Requirement and Research Opportunities in Industrial Revolution |
Dr. L Padma Suresh |
26-04-2021 |
50,000/- |
2 Days |
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University |
4 |
Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and. Ethics among Students (SPICES) |
P V Manoj Kumar |
05-07-2021 |
1,00,000/- |
6 Months |
All India Council for Technical Education |
5 |
International Conference on Material Science & Computational Engineering (ICMCE 15%2) |
Dr. L Padma Suresh |
10-03-2022 |
1,55,300/- |
2 Days |
All India Council for Technical Education |
6 |
International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies(ICCPCT 15%3) |
Dr. L Padma Suresh |
10-05-2023 |
2,00,000/- |
2 Days |
Science & Engineering Research Board |
7 |
Seminar on Soft Computing Applications in Water Resources Engineering |
Dr. L Padma Suresh |
26-07-2023 |
1,50,000/- |
2 Days |
Department of Water Resources, RD&GR, MoJS, New Delhi |
8 |
Seminar on Advancing Agriculture through Integrated Water Resource Management and Precision Farming Technologies |
Dr. L Padma Suresh |
04-03-2024 |
1,50,000/- |
2 Days |
Department of Water Resources, RD&GR, MoJS, New Delhi |
9 |
Seminar On Quantum Machine Computing Approach to Identify Natural Calamities and Environmental Issues |
Dr. L Padma Suresh |
26-04-2024 |
1,50,000/- |
2 Days |
Anusandhan National Research Foundation (SERB) |
10 |
Seminar On Deep Planning Techniques and Tools for Medical applications |
Dr. S H Krishnaveni |
26-04-2024 |
1,50,000/- |
2 Days |
Anusandhan National Research Foundation (SERB) |